

HOME-WOD 35 – 02.05.2020 ? Warm up – 4 rounds * 30 jumping jacks * 6 Air squats * 6 Burpees * 30″ superman hold ? WOD I – 3 rounds for quality * 5 Pistol squats (each side) * 10 Tempo squats (4/2/1) * 10 Jumping squats 2′ Rest ? WOD II – for…


HOME-WOD 34 – 30.04.2020 ? Buy in * 30 inch worm for quality For time: * 30 leg lever * 15 wall walks * 60 leg lever * 10 wall walks * 90 leg lever * 5 wall walks ? Buy out cumultaive * 3′ handstand hold * 4′ side plank (2′ per side) *…


RE-DO HOME-WOD 33 vom 29.04.2020 ?? Warm up: 3 rounds for quality 30″ arm swings (horizontal) • 10 air squats • 30″ arm swing (vertical) • 10 plank to push up ?? Strength: 5 sets max reps unbroken push ups • 2′ rest between ?? WOD: 20’ AMRAP 10/20/30… air squats • 20 sit ups…


HOME-WOD 33 – 29.04.2020 ? Warm up – 3 rounds for quality 30″ arm swings (horizontal) 10 air squats 30″ arm swing (vertical) 10 plank to push up   ? Strength – 5 sets max reps unbroken push ups 2′ rest between ? WOD – 20′ AMRAP 10/20/30… air squats 20 sit ups ? Cool…


HOME-WOD 31 – 26.04.2020 ? Warm up: 3 Rounds 10 m Inch Worm 30 Jumping Jacks 10 Squats 5 Kettlebell / Dumbell Ground to Overhead (GtO) ? WOD I -> TC 7′ 100 KB / DB one Arm Push Press scaled: 100 KB / DB Push Press 5 min. Rest ? WOD II -> AFAP…


HOME-WOD 29 – 24.04.2020 ? WOD 5 rounds AMRAP 2’/3’/4’/3’/2′ ——————– * 10 V-ups * 10 plank hip twist * 10 knee to elbow (in push up postion) —— + 1′ rest 1′ jumping jacks 1′ rest ——————– Hier geht’s zum Video: HOME-WOD 29


HOME-WOD 27 – 21.04.2020 ? Warm up – 3 Rounds for quality 10 step ups 10 cossack squats 10 hollow rocks 10 windmill ? Strength part – Supersätze for quality 5×5 pause squats 10 push ups 15 sit ups 2′ rest between sets Pause squat: 5″ bottom, 3″ half up, 5″ bottom, jump ? WOD…