

HOME-WOD 26 – 20.04.2020 ? Warm up – 3 Rounds * 20 walking lunges * 60 jumping jacks * 30″ plank * 10 burpees ? Strength part – 5′ leg day * 30″ split squat left * 30″ split squat right * 1′ squat pulses * 1′ jumping lunges * 1′ straight legged hip raises…


HOME-WOD 25 – 18.04.2020 Fundraiser ? Warm up: 2 rounds for quality 10 DB deadlifts 10 sit ups 10 step ups 10 DB thruster 1′ rest ? WOD for time 50 dumbbell deadlifts 50 AbMat sit-ups 50 box step-ups 50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters ♂* 50-lb. DBs, 24-in. box* ♀* 35-lb. DBs, 20-in. box* Time cap:…

HOME-WOD 20 + 21

HOME-WOD 20 ?Warm up – 5′ run @ easy pace and perform 5 squats every min   ? WOD 5km run for time or 25′ run for distance ? Strength – 3 Rounds for quality 10 v-ups 15 Leg lever 20 knee to chest or hollow rocks 2′ rest HOME-WOD 21 ? Warm up –…


HOME-WOD 22 ? Warm up – 3 Rounds * 3 inch worm to push up * 3 reverse lunges each leg * 3 tempo squats (3-3-3) ? Strength part * 10′ plank cumulative * 10 side plank raises each side ? WOD 5 Rounds * 1′ chair dips * 1′ pistol squats * 1′ burpees…


HOME-WOD 24 – 17.04.2020 ? Warm up: 3 Rounds (for quality) 10 x Kettlebell Halo (L/R) 10 x Kettlebell around the World (L/R) 6 x Reverse Lunge (each Side) ? WOD I: Kettlebell Complex 3 Rounds 3 min: 6 x KB Reverse Lunge L 6 x Goblet Squats 6 x KB Reverse Lunge R 6…


HOME-WOD 23 – 16.04.2020 Tabata-Time ? Warm up * jumping jacks * plank to push ups * cossack squat l/r (4) * one arm push up hold (4) l/r ? WOD * pole squat hold * step ups * push ups (hr) * step ups * push ups * squats * squat * handstand hold…


HOME-WOD 18 – 09.04.2020 ? Warm up – 3 Rounds – 20 Armkreisen vorwärts – 20 Air squats – 20 Armkreisen rückwärts – 10 Burpees ? Strength part – 1′ plank ups – 1′ prayer pushes – 1′ circle pulls – 1′ arm scissors – 1′ y ups ? WOD EMOM 20 5 Rounds: min:…


HOME-WOD 17 – 08.04.2020 ? Warm up: 3 Sets (for quality) 30 Jumping Jacks 5 x Windmill (each side) 5 x alt. Cossack Squats (each side) ? Strength: 3 Sets x 8 Reps (each side) KB Single Leg Crossbody DL 3 min Rest 3 x 3 min (1 min. Rest between Sets) 5 Tactical Lunges…


HOME-WOD 16 – 07.04.2020 ? Warm up 5′ run @ easy pace 5′ run • 5x 30″ moderate pace / 30″ walking ? Strength 7x sprint intervalle (60m-90m scaling) • 70% • 75% • 80% • 85% • 90% • 95% • 100% 3′ rest after each sprint ? WOD 3′ AMRAP 20m sprint +…